Projects Implemented

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WEGS Tanzania

Projects Implemented

Various projects have been implemented to promote gender equality, economic empowerment and child safeguarding. In addition, WEGS has been providing advisory support to organizations on gender mainstreaming.
1998 – 2002

Mainstreaming of gender in development program

An integrated development program implemented in Arumeru District, Arusha Region to improve the standards of living through access to safe water, education on water use and environmental sanitation, promotion of income generation activities. In this program WEGS implemented a gender mainstreaming component to ensure equal participation and sharing of benefits to both men and women. Women committees were formed in 12 villages to champion women’s issues in the grass roots were formed. Supported by Oxfam UK and Oxfam Ireland.
2000 – 2008
Sustainable agriculture, health and Livelihood
With Support from World Neighbours, we implemented in Singida region to address women concerns on food security, reproductive health and access to resources which manifest in gender-based violence. The project involved training on appropriate agricultural technology, reproductive health education, entrepreneurship training and microcredit operation. About 108 small women groups were formed and initiated income generating activities, which also served as platform to discuss gender related matters. Awareness on reproductive health problems and causes in the program area increased by 40% leading to positive attitude and actions on RH issues; particularly misconception on child sex determination, men used to harass wives for not producing children of different sex. Gender based violence was very high in the area. After getting education quarrels over children’s sex decreased notably. In addition, the RH education contributed significantly to harmony in the families.
2003 – 2006
Arumeru Holistic empowerment and development (AHEAD)
The overall objective of savings and credit scheme was provision of revolving credit to women groups which would result to sustainable access to capital for poor households thereby contributing to improved livelihoods for the target communities being the goal of AHEAD project. The main activities which were done on savings and credit scheme are sensitization/mobilization/organization of women, training and provision of credit. 400 households benefited from the scheme and gender practices improved substantially.
2005: 2008
Local economic development (LED) project
In 2008 WEGS participated in the implementation of Local economic development project in Babati and Monduli district that aimed to enhance the livelihood security. WEGS facilitated gender mainstreaming and attention to HIV/AIDs in the implementing organisations and their service delivery. The four LED implementing organisations increased level of awareness and committed to mainstream gender and HIV/AIDS in their respective program components.


Civic and voters education
It was implemented in three districts based in Arusha and Singida regions in 2005 being part of the national program to improve citizen’s participation in electoral processes. Goal of this project was to promote democratic skills, values and attitudes among participants in civic and voter education activities and enable them to become responsible citizens. Specifically, it intended to raise the level of knowledge about civic rights and obligations among women and promote their level of participation in the electoral processes; as well as enabling them to make informed decisions during elections and participate meaningfully in the conduct of public affairs. Through this project women and other people in the respective areas become aware of rights and obligations on civic maters as well as other crucial issues including the government structures from national level to the grassroots, national constitution, government pillars and their functions etc. Financed by the UNDP

2013 – 2021

Promotion of girls’ participation in education

An advocacy project aiming to facilitate provision of safe environment, gender needs and formulation/enforcement of policies and directives that will enable girls to participate and engage effectively in education process. It was implemented in Kilimanjaro, Arusha and Manyara regions. With support from KFB, the project targets key education stakeholders (parents, guardians, teachers, government, policy makers, community leaders and school committees) engaging them in a process of addressing factors that limit girls’ attainment of basic education. The Overall objective of the project is equal participation and engagement of girls in education process at all levels of learning as a contribution to government effort on equality of all its citizens and, in particular, gender equality and gender equity. The project is executed by coalition of Non-Government Organisations initiated by WEGS for a purpose of increasing effectiveness and efficiency.

Promoting the rights of female domestic workers (FDWs)
During the 16 days of activism November 25th to December 10th 2019, we run a campaign to promote the rights of female domestic workers (FDWs) being victims of different forms of gender violence in the society. Activities executed are: dissemination of education on FDWs occupational rights in the society, mobilization of FDWs’ to demand for their occupational rights and elimination of brutality. With support from the African Women Development fund (AWDF) we facilitated organization of FDWs procession to government authority to appeal for enforcement of occupational regulations. About 60 FDWs carrying posters printed striking messages aggressively marched in streets with big influx made the whole Arusha City awakened. These messages targeted the employers, government bodies, local leaders, activists, labour unions and communities.
2020 – to date
Campaign to end violence against children
Due to increasing violence against children particularly sexual violence, WEGS has since 2020 been running campaign in primary schools in Arusha Urban District, where 21,282 children have had an opportunity to listen/watch the animated video song alerting them on sexual violence. The campaign is usually conducted during the 16 days of activism against gender based violence. We are very grateful to DKA for financing this action.
Campaign to end the chronic harassment against female students in the academic institutions
During the 16 days of activism against gender-based violence, the network for fighting against GBV – Arusha region which is led by WEGS run the campaign in the high learning institutions: Arusha Technical Colleges (ATC), Institute of Accountancy Arusha (IAA), Institute of Livestock Training Agency Tengeru (LITI), Arusha campus and JR Institute of Information And Technology.

2018 –to date:

Promoting Potentials of Adolescent Girls (PPAG) project

A gender & health based program for empowering girls to realize their potentials through knowledge, life skills and safe environment. It is implemented in Kilimanjaro, Arusha and Manyara regions with support from Kfb and DKA. Girls aged 10-17 are trained on how to manage biological changes that occur during the transition to adulthood and focus on positive future life. Stakeholders are sensitized to respond to girls’ needs for their development.